For those of you that know me personally, or perhaps have read a few of my articles, you will know that I am famous for making a long story even longer 🙂

This being said, below is a short and sweet take on motivation. Most of us look for motivation BEFORE we start our journey. If you’re like me and are diabetic, we don’t have that luxury. Regardless of how motivated we are, if we don’t get our acts together and actively start seeking results as far as our fat mass, lean mass and diabetic control are concerned – the only other variable is a diabetic complication or two. Fact!

Honestly what more motivation as a diabetic do we need? For those of you unlike me, and for those of you that need a little more reason, below is where real motivation comes from.

Let’s start this by asking a question or two… After reading them, stop and think for a second. If you’re really invested, write your answer down and take it from just being a thought in your head and bring your reasons/excuses into reality.

What is stopping you from getting started? Starting a new hobby, training plan, better-eating habits or just being better at your diabetes?

Is it that you’re not motivated?

Here’s the thing… drum roll, please…

Motivation comes from results. All you have to do is get started. Once you start seeing the results that you’re getting, like losing fat, building muscle, or having less dependence on your medications, that is what keeps us motivated.

“The first step being the hardest” isn’t just a saying they use in drama/inspirational movies.

Motivation doesn’t come easy, and it definitely doesn’t come just by doing nothing. Motivation is an emotion like happiness and anger (it’s not ever-present).

So, if you really want to see the motivation to keep going and to keep moving forward, first, you just have to start.
Make the decision to start, commit to yourself, and remember the more action you take, the more results you see, the more motivation you will have every day.

As diabetics, we have an above-average strength within us all. We are warriors!

What are you planning to start?


If you are slightly overwhelmed by this process I totally understand. That’s why I have developed my Diabetic Athletic – D.I.Y training & nutrition program. I want to help you achieve your goals! Put your nutrition and training plans in my hands, let me do the thinking and let me teach you and help you in what  will be a rewarding and successful journey.

For those that need in-depth guidance, done-for-you daily nutritional plans, including all daily activity plans, done-for-you exercise plans and weekly coaching calls with me (and much more), the Diabetic Athletic – D.I.Y Program is the exact action plan you need!

You can see more about the Diabetic D.I.Y action plan HERE. 


Yours In Strength,

Nicholas Caracandas


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