As well-meaning as you are about your weight-loss goals, there may be certain habits that hold you back — including ones related to sleep and mental health — you might not have considered. So without further ado, let’s address 12 things that might be standing in your way of shedding those last few pounds and how to refocus on what matters.

The research about whether or not breakfast is a must goes back and forth. However,  it can be noted that clients who are stalled in their efforts are eating too light a breakfast. In particular, people often don’t eat adequate protein at breakfast, which means they’re missing a key opportunity to replace the protein that was broken down overnight. If you continue to skip protein at breakfast, it might lead to a sluggish metabolism over time.
What’s more, eating one piece of fruit or processed fare like packaged muffins won’t keep you full until lunch, which has a ripple effect on how well you function. When my clients eat a more satisfying breakfast, they’re more energetic, less distracted by hunger, less irritable and more productive. Aim for 20–30 grams of protein by including options like cottage cheese or hard-boiled eggs. 

Weight loss isn’t just about diet and exercise, and you’ve likely heard about how sleep is essential for a healthy weight. Skimping on zzz’s skews your hunger hormones, and you may find you reach for a sugary snack as a pick-me-up more often. Of course, committing to doing the things sleep experts preach (like stopping the pre-bed social media scroll) is important, but you probably also haven’t considered how your magnesium levels play a role in shut-eye. Most people do not consume an adequate amount of the mineral, and this can interfere with proper sleep. Consider adding more magnesium-rich foods like almonds, tofu and leafy greens to your diet.

If you’re currently swimming in guilt over that brownie you just ate, it’s OK to relax about it. No one food can lead to weight gain!. Often, believing you “blew it” with your diet can cause you to rebound eat, scarfing more food than you’re hungry for (or even want) because you’ll restart your diet tomorrow and “be good.” Giving up this all-or-nothing mindset and focusing on an 80/20 strategy, where you incorporate indulgences 20% of the time, may lead to a more well-balanced, sustainable diet

Exercise can make you hungrier, so you might overcompensate by eating more when trying to lose weight. I want to encourage you to exercise for the sake of health — not simply to burn calories or negate your food intake. I tell clients to have fun movement experiences, which means doing something you truly enjoy or that’s new and exciting. It could be going for a walk, taking up swimming, learning to play golf or even starting weight training for the first time. 

We often boil weight loss down to a math problem, but your emotional well-being is another major factor. If someone is really unhappy in life, it can be hard to lose weight! 
If a diet is too rigid — maybe it’s causing you to avoid dining out with friends — it won’t be sustainable for weight loss or encourage mental health.
Rather, a big factor in both happiness and weight loss success is surrounding yourself with positive connections. Relationships that are supportive and feel good are the key to our success and happiness. When someone has this, it helps improve their quality of life, something that definitely correlates with overall health.

The calories-in versus calories-out equation might sound simple, but the body is smart and designed to withstand famine. That means it will compensate for restriction by driving up hunger levels. If you go on a regimented food plan that does not take into consideration your individual calorie needs or food likes or dislikes, it cannot last forever! If you’re tired all the time or struggling to break through a weight-loss plateau, it could be a signal you’re undereating. Speak with a professional who can help figure out the best plan to suit your needs. 

Making sure you’re eating in a slight caloric deficit is important for weight loss. While you don’t need to button up so much that you’re eating too little, you’re also going to want to reduce the excess fluff. To find what that might be, you should track your food, at least in the beginning. It can be easy to forget about what we ate previously and make it harder to pinpoint what’s preventing you from reaching your goals. Use these tips to make tracking your food a healthy habit. 

Without tracking your food while learning about calories, you may never know that a simple “drizzle” of olive oil on your perfectly healthy salad, has more calories in it compared to 3 bowls of coco pops or 2-4 slices of pizza! 

While what you’re eating matters, it’s not the only piece of the equation. Other factors can affect how our body utilizes, burns and stores calories or energy. Those include metabolism, age, genetics, stress and hormones, and can also play a role in being able to get past a certain point on the scale. Meaning: Just because you choose a certain number does not mean it’s a goal weight that may be attainable, comfortable or sustaining for you. While that may seem like a downer at the outset, it’s actually incredibly freeing. A realistic goal is achievable, makes you feel good and is one you can maintain for the long-haul.

Right now, it’s popular to talk about what you’re not eating: carbs, fruit, beans, starchy veggies, grains, dairy … the list goes on. That, too, falls under restriction. The body thrives on balance and requires it to function at its peak. When you take something away, you’re coming from a place of deprivation, which often isn’t a positive mindset. And, your body isn’t happy either: Deprivation can negatively affect metabolism or contribute to strong cravings, and possibly even binges later on. That stands in your way of losing weight. Research in the journal OF Obesity found people who consistently binged lost half as much weight as dieters who didn’t. Instead of cutting out entire food groups, try to practice an 80/20 moderation approach. 

For many of us, responding to stress means reaching for comfort foods while watching Netflix. While doing so is perfectly fine on occasion, it’s important to have healthy, non-food-related outlets for reducing stress. Stress can negatively affect metabolism and get in the way of reaching weight or fitness goals. Helpful ways to mitigate stress include taking a walk outdoors, reading a good book, calling a friend or going to do some exercise. Activity is the best therapy! 

Trendy diets always tell you there are big things in store and usually involve a long list of restrictions and can’t-eat foods. There’s one big thing they’re all missing: Fad diets typically fail to work on [building] a positive relationship with food. Red flags that you’re looking at a fad: The diet says it’s good for everyone, bills itself as a quick fix for quick weight loss, or presents a list of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods. When you give yourself time to lose weight, that’s when you find long-term results.

One reason jumping on board a fad diet is so appealing is that it’s novel, which makes it exciting. But, as you grow accustomed to eating the foods allowed on the program, your interest wanes and you’ll likely give it up. No matter the weight-loss plan you’re on, keeping a degree of novelty helps drive a motivational let’s-do-this-attitude. Make a point to do things like try new recipes and foods, so practicing healthy habits every day is actually fun.

If you have noted any of these habits that need breaking, please reach out to me and let’s chat!

I want to help you!

We know two facts – 1) You’re worth it and being happier is quite literally everything, and 2) I am the man for the job and I want to help you!

If you want to have a look at what I do and try to find a program that will be the perfect fit for you and your goals – visit www.diabeticathletic.com for more.


Yours In Strength,

Nicholas Caracandas

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